Creating A Company Brand Book
Creating a company brand book for the purpose of maintaining your company’s brand is a necessary step for maintaining the integrity of your company’s image. While it doesn’t take much time to develop, this document can save you hours of headache in the future. This document should include a FAQ section that answers 20 to 30 questions readers might have about your brand. Include your contact information at the bottom of the page.
In addition to providing a reference for employees, a brand book should include guidelines for the use of company logos, taglines, and other brand elements. It should also include colour palettes and guidelines for use of CMYK and HEX colours. If your company is using taglines and other visual elements to communicate your brand message, the brand book should be shared with all marketing staff and employees. It should be made available for your customers and clients to refer to as well.
Managing Customer Experience
Managing customer experience is an essential part of your company’s brand. A happy customer is more likely to tell others about your brand and recommend it to others. And, 80% of customers look at reviews of a product before making a purchase. While marketing campaigns may attract customers, customer reviews are what detract from a brand. The good news is that there are a number of ways you can improve the experience for customers and increase brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.
Successful customer experience management begins with harvesting the voice of the customer. Today, customers discover companies through advertisements, the web, and third parties, and they compare brands and prices. They also research competitors and user perceptions. After all, a good customer experience is crucial to a customer’s decision to purchase a product or service. It’s also the start of customer retention, which is the goal of customer experience management.